Proposal penelitian kerja sama dengan topik “Enhancing Climate Change Resilience of Social Ecological System in the Coral Triangle and Its Surrounding Areas” berhasil didanai dalam Program The e-Asia Joint Research Program. Hal ini tertuang pula dalam penugasan Penelitian Dasar Kemitraan eASIA yang dirilis oleh Kemendikbud-ristek dengan No. 0049/E5/AK.04/2022 pada 07 Februari 2022. Tim peneliti yang tergabung dalam kegiatan penelitian ini terdiri dari Senior Researcher, Rempei Suwa dari Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences (JIRCAS), Prof. Rene Rollon dari Institut of Environmental Science and Meteorology (IESM)-University of the Philippines (UP) Diliman, dan Prof. Analuddin, Ph.D dari Program Studi Bioteknologi FMIPA UHO.
“This cooperative research project aims to establish a n ew framework for enhancin g the resilience of social ecological systems in the coral triangle and its surrounding areas under climate change and anthropogenic pressures, by introducing comprehensive approaches with innovative methodology development, including those for holistic ecosystem service enhancement, and thereby for sustaining and improving the blue economy in the region”.